We need to act now or we’ll see the disappearance of coral reefs in our lifetime. Here’s what we can do.

Coral reefs are amazing living structures that have existed for millions of years, providing food and livelihoods to hundreds of millions of people.

But we’ve already lost 50% in the last 30 years alone and stand to lose as much as 90% by 2050 if we don’t tackle the climate crisis and destructive human practices.


Commit to actionable and measurable targets

World leaders will have the opportunity to prioritize coral reefs at the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity by including clear, specific, and actionable indicators in a new Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

With the right level of ambition, the GBF can bring much needed change to our world by setting us on a path to halt and reverse the decline in biodiversity—even becoming nature-positive by 2030.

To achieve this, the GBF must drive collective actions at all levels: whole-of-government and whole-of-society. The GBF must be supported by measurable targets and solutions, which include ecosystem-specific indicators to ensure that valuable habitats, such as coral reefs, do not get overlooked.

The Coral Reef Rescue Initiative is working with the International Coral Reef Initiative and partners in advocating for a set of clear indicators in the GBF that measure the health, integrity and function of coral reefs. 


Adopt more responsible practices

Businesses are instrumental in ensuring the welfare of our ocean. Not only can businesses adopt more responsible practices throughout their supply chains, they can also increase transparency among their stakeholders and consumers, and employ new technologies and innovations in delivering goods and services with lower environmental impact.

Following the principles of a Sustainable Blue Economy also offers a vision to ensure that the economic development of the ocean contributes to true prosperity for both nature and people—today and long into the future.


Adopt a low-carbon footprint lifestyle

A low-carbon footprint lifestyle is not only beneficial for our environment, it also has proven health benefits.

Lessen your energy consumption whenever possible—walk, ride a bike, or carpool.

Be conscious of the food you eat. Choose food produced with the least amount of energy or resources (and packaging!). If you have a choice, eat more plant-based meals (and less meat and fish - “If you don’t need it, don’t eat it.”). Also, be conscious of food waste.

Amplify the voice of the ocean

There are many ways to show your support and take action. Remember, there’s power in numbers!

Did you know that discarded fishing gear, also known as ghost gear, is one of the deadliest forms of marine plastic debris threatening many species and habitats?

Make your voices heard by supporting WWF’s #GhostGear campaign. Sign the petition here and invite your family and friends to do the same.

Advocate for the ocean

Be a responsible global citizen. Find out what our world leaders are doing (or not doing enough of) to protect the ocean and its valuable resources.

Even if you don’t live near the coast, contacting your local or national leaders regarding your concerns about the ocean will help highlight important issues. Letters, emails, petitions, and phone calls matter, and will get their attention and inspire more politicians to discuss and implement much needed solutions.

In addition, there are several important events happening in the global policy arena that you can follow and where you can hold your leaders accountable:


Let’s build a
climate-ready future!

To restore the world's coral reefs, we need support from all sectors. From individuals and communities to governments and industries, collaboration is the key.